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Herd Book Rules

1. Organization

2. Fullblood Galloways

3. Belted Galloways

4. White Galloways

5. Riggit Galloways

6. Other Ineligible Cattle

7. Deleterious, Genetic Abnormality Reporting

8. Registration Suspension

9. Suffixes for Color

10. Change of Prefix or Suffix
The prefix and/or the suffix in a registration number will be changed as and when the genotype of the animal is determined. These changes do not affect the validity of any previously issued pedigrees or certificates, but the changed numbers will be used on all pedigrees and certificates issued thereafter. The numerical portion of a registration number remains as a permanent and unique identification of the animal.

11. Ownership

12. Registration

13. Transfer
Ownership of record of an animal may be transferred with the written consent of all Current Owners of the animal.

14. Decisions and Appeals
The Secretary-Treasurer of the AGBA has authority to determine the eligibility of an animal for registration. Proof of parentage through blood typing or DNA typing may be required at the expense of the Current Owner as a condition of registering or continuing the registration of any animal. An AGBA member may appeal a decision of the Secretary-Treasurer to the Board of Directors. The Board’s decision is final.

Approved by the AGBA Board of Directors on September 19, 2023.
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