Why Galloway?
Galloways have it all:
- Structural Soundness
- Udder Soundness
- Moderate Frame Size
- Docile Disposition
- Fleshing Ability
- Fertility
- Mothering Ability
- Adaptability to Environment
- Convenience Traits
- Strongly polled
- Maximum Feed Efficiency
A Common Sense Approach to Beef Production
The Galloway survived the frenzied days of maximum production because we recognized the breed's limitations long ago.For generations, we've liked the way the Galloway cow produces at optimum levels - on limited resources and in rugged environments.
We didn't select for maximum muscle, because we liked the way the females bred back every year.
We didn't sacrifice targets for marbling and lean, because we liked the superior carcass traits already built into the breed.
When it comes to earning a living off the land, the Galloway reigns supreme. The famous cattle breeder William M’Combie, one of the founders of the Aberdeen-Angus breed, made no attempt to hide his admiration for the thriftiness of the Galloway breed, noting that they would fatten on pasture on which his Aberdeen Angus cows would ‘waste away’.* Galloway will graze and browse a far broader variety of grasses, forbs, ‘weeds’ and brush than any other breed, hands down. When the neighbors’ cows think they have run out of edible pasture and have taken to bawling for a handout, Galloway cows will be rustling up a meal, even though the Forage Guide says what’s left in the pasture is worthless for cattle. Don’t tell that to a Galloway. Galloway cows pastured with other breeds in winter are known for being the last to arrive for hay feeding, and the first to depart, consuming less of your expensive stored feeds. That’s real money you can take to the bank.
* Cattle and Cattle Breeders (Edinburgh and London: Blackwood, 1886)